Spirit & Life
Advent 2: Hope”The Source of all Hope”
God has always called us to unity and being alongside each other. Jesus’ living and being showed what that looks like, and how to live it out in our daily lives, if we so choose.
Advent 1: Peace”Let us walk in the light which the Lord gives us!”
God offers us a way forward together, with a path to follow so that we can live as a flourishing and nurturing community. It is up to us to choose to take the path.
Reign of Christ Sunday/End of RCL Church year
This is the light that comes to us as we walk in the way of Christ … illumination of a better way, when, in isolation, all feels lost.
Every Moment
An image of great hope – for it offers something that is not quite here and is yet to come. These are words of comfort for those faithful people, in the midst of their sorrowing, turmoil, grieving, displacement, prejudice and unjust loss. Over two millennia later, it still rings true.
Give thanks to God for each other,in the Spirit of Unity
On All Saints Day we recall the great cloud or crowd of witnesses who have gone before, who are with us now, and who will be beyond our time.
Grace in Unlovely Times
Wealthy, corrupt and unscrupulous. Shocking the gathered crowd and righteous folk. Unsettling Law, tradition and culture. Sharing food and wine as if friends or even family. Why would he do that? I mean Jesus.
Two men, physically and socially distanced.
The righteous leader, one to be trusted, to share wisdom, in a stable and comfortable position, seen as worthy of respect and honour, publicly fasting and tithing beyond the normal requirements, standing aside, careful to maintain purity nor be unsullied by others.
Written on our Heart. Lived in our Action
The message is clear. God has written it on our hearts. Persevere in sharing the good news of God’s grace and love, through our words and action.
Peace-making, as Friends
What a beautiful change of focus, feeling and forging ahead in faith. In the midst of tragedy, trauma, and irreparable change, God’s message of hope is intertwined with peace-making and renewal.
Listen with the Voices
We cannot read these laments, without hearing the voices of our First Nations people and the longing for recognition and Treaty, our Asia-Pacific neighbours as their islands are subsumed by oceans, refugees caught in the midst of conflict, earthquakes groaning and the waterways roaring, the cries of species at the devastation of environments and waling of those with empty bellies and no homes.