Spirit & Life

Love God. Love Others
Love God. Love others. Not sure how? God offers expanded commandments to elucidate theological simplicity for practical application in everyday living. Our similar human frailties arise in these four readings that cover over 1000 years – from the time of Moses, King David, Jesus to the budding Christian community.

Wilderness Wandering – the right time has come
Two key themes in faith and life arise here. Baptism reminds us that we are God’s children, known and washed with the love of God that cleanses our souls. Wilderness wandering is part of every human story. Our faith helps us acknowledged these seasons and companion through them with God.

Awaken me to where my riches are…
All that she had owned blew away as fine ash, as winds swept through the devastation left behind from the 1983 Ash Wednesday fires in the Adelaide hills. At that time, her grieving left her numb and empty. Trauma ran deep, almost drowning her spirit in depression and anxiety.

How good it is….
As soon as there is a glimmer of morning light, the local chorus of birds begins and the chickens are calling for their coop to be opened, even when I am still thinking it really is sleep time!

Faith Filled Focus
How good it is to sing praise to our God!…Sometimes, though, it seems an impossible task. This wonderful psalm has been spoken or sung over many generations. It speaks of new beginnings, so relevant as we enter 2021, where our churches are experiencing new ways of being.

They All Found Home
I remember the absolute joy of pregnancy, and sharing this news with family and friends. I remember the blessings from strangers and the kindnesses they offered me.

“Comfort my People,” says our God
This is the time to speak out! Do not be afraid. It is time to comfort and encourage people. We have a message of hope, so why not share it? Life is about living today, in this moment, and time. Kairos time, God’s time, is beyond our human parameters.

A Newly Sprouted Seed
At Christmas, we look to the new beginnings – the human story of a young couple, a family, local community supporting them, wider community generously welcoming them, and the blessings of unexpected guests.

Blessings in Christ Together
What a joyful recognition of the delight in being together as God’s family. Paul expresses the love in Christ that is so meaningful in drawing us together ecumenically. The Whole Body of Christ offers relationship, connection and belonging. Significantly, it recognises the different missional roles we each have as individuals and as denominational Churches as we live out our ministries.

Shepherded Flock
‘Shepherding his flock’ took on a deeper understanding when I was helping a friend, a lifelong farmer. I offered to assist one day as he worked with his flock of ewes and lambs. The pens were full and the bleating was loud. As he drew one ewe through the gate, he raised his head to some agitated bleating.