Spirit & Life

Pray for All God’s People

1 Timothy 2:1-7
First of all, then, I urge that petitions, prayers, requests, and thanksgivings be offered to God for all people; for kings and all others who are in authority, that we may live a quiet and peaceful life with all reverence toward God and with proper conduct. This is good and it pleases God our Saviour, who wants everyone to be saved and to come to know the truth. For there is one God, and there is one who brings God and human beings together, the man Christ Jesus, who gave himself to redeem the whole human race. That was the proof at the right time that God wants everyone to be saved, and that is why I was sent as an apostle and teacher of the Gentiles, to proclaim the message of faith and truth. I am not lying; I am telling the truth!


A pertinent reminder, at this Time of Mourning and Sorry Business. We are called to pray for all people and all communities, beyond culture, age, and social situations. This includes our leaders. Even if we don’t agree with their position or their politics, we are to pray for them despite our understandings and our differences. In God’s realm, we find unity in our diversity and we find peace making in the midst of our conflicting ideals. We find the space for grace with each other, and offer unconditional love, respect and compassion even when it is not returned. We are called to live in the Way of Jesus as individuals and Churches. Some denominations have weekly prayers for leaders in the church and wider society.
Let us, then, pray for our leaders, that they seek this same heart and mind, as they look to the diverse community in which they serve; that they seek to listen, understand, resolve to act for the benefit of community; and reconcile differences so that we support those in need. In this space, right loving, right being, right thinking and right doing, reveals glimpses of God’s realm and creates a common wealth who live and work for the whole of creation.


Many of our traditions pray regularly for leaders across our community and Churches.
As part of the Lutheran prayer for the Whole People of God in Christ Jesus, this section is added at this time.
“Bless all those in government and positions of authority.
Direct our King, Charles III and his advisers and guide the parliaments of our commonwealth and state.
Help them to govern wisely and justly, so that people may be restrained from wrongdoing and encouraged to live good lives.”

Please see the whole prayer here. 

© Rev Anne Hewitt 14/09/2022
This reflection may be shared as long as the original writer is credited.

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Monday - Thursday
9:30am - 3.00pm
5/7 Gray Street,
Kilkenny, 5009

Please ring beforehand for appointment.

Rev Anne Hewitt
0475 016 789

0477 019 163

Churches Together SA acknowledge the traditional custodians who have cared for this land for centuries.

We pay respect to the Elders past, present and emerging across the many Nations of this Country.