Member Churches
Anglican Church of Australia
Diocese of Adelaide
Image credit: St Peters Cathedral, North Adelaide
Anglican Church of Australia
Diocese of Willochra
Image Credit: The Cathedral Church of Sts Peter and Paul, Port Pirie

Coptic Orthodox Church
Diocese of Melbourne and Affiliated Regions
Image Credit: St Mary & Anba Bishoy Coptic Orthodox Church, Cowandilla

Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of Australia
Archdiocesan District of Adelaide
Image Credit: Saints Raphael, Nicholas & Irene, Athelstone

Lutheran Church
SA/NT District
Image Credit: St Michaels Lutheran Chuch, Handorf. Oldest Lutheran Church still in use.
Religious Society of Friends
SA/NT Regional Meeting
Image Credit: Friends Meeting House, North Adelaide
Romanian Orthodox Episcopate of Australia/New Zealand
Image Credit: St Nicholas Romainian Orthodox Church, Ovingham
St Urael Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahdo Church in SA Inc.
Image Credit: St Urael Ethiopian Orthodox Adelaide, Ferryden Park