Sunday 20 August 2023
5:00 pm - 6:30 pm
Understanding the Voice to Parliament – What it means & Why it’s important for Australia
Our Speakers:
Noel Pearson & Rev Tim Costello
Sunday 20th August | 5pm – 6:30pm
Pilgrim Uniting Church | 12 Flinders St, Adelaide SA
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Streamed on YouTube @pilgrimunitingchurchadelaide
Noel Pearson:
Noel Pearson comes from the Guugu Yimithirr community of Hope Vale.
For over 30 years, he has pursued key agendas to achieve land rights and socioeconomic development outcomes for Cape York. He co-founded the Cape York Land Council and negotiated with the Keating government to establish the Native Title Act 1993 after the High Court’s landmark Mabo decision rejected the fiction of terra nullius.
After seeing socioeconomic problems that were not present in his childhood accumulate, Mr Pearson has focused on pioneering empowering and holistic approaches to welfare reform, and transforming educational outcomes for disadvantaged students.
He is the Founder of Cape York Partnership and Good to Great Schools Australia and has co-founded other organisations also dedicated to ameliorating entrenched disadvantage of ‘The Bottom Million’.
He served as a member of the Expert Panel on Constitutional Recognition of Indigenous Australians and the Referendum Council. He is currently a member of the First Nations Referendum Working Group and continues to advocate for structural reforms to empower Indigenous people.
Rev Tim Costello
Rev Tim Costello is one of Australia’s most respected community leaders and a sought after voice on social justice issues, leadership and ethics.
Tim is currently the Executive Director of Micah Australia which works with Christian Aid agencies and Churches to raise awareness and support for overseas Aid and Development. He is also Director of Ethical Voice through which he speaks in many contexts, both Christian and secular.
For 13 years until October 2016, Tim was Chief Executive of World Vision Australia (WVA).
Other positions Tim currently holds are Senior Advisor for the Centre for Public Christianity, Chair of the Community Council of Australia; Chief Advocate of the Thriving Communities Partnership. In 2021, he was appointed by Monash University as Chair of Peninsula Campus Community Advisory Committee. Tim is a spokesperson for the Alliance for Gambling Reform, which campaigns for law reform to prevent harm from poker machine gambling.
In earlier roles Tim was National President of the Baptist Union of Australia and Mayor of St Kilda. He has been Baptist Minister at St Kilda Baptist and Collins Street Baptist in Melbourne, as well as Executive Director of Urban Seed.
In 2006 Tim was named Victoria’s Australian of the Year, in June 2005 was made an Officer of the Order of Australia (AO); in 2004, was named Victorian of the Year; and in 1997 was named as one of Australia’s 100 National Living Treasures.