Sunday 13 August 2023
2:00 pm - 4:00 pm
Churches Together SA invites you to Imagining a Safer World
How do we “Love our neighbours” in a Defence State? Where does our faith guide us in “Imagining a Safer World?” How do we act & live as Christian peacemakers? What really makes us safe?
Challenging Australian thinking on the meaning of “Defence” at the global, national and South Australian level
Video Presentations:
Peter Prove
Director, International Affairs at World Council of Churches, Geneva
Allan Behm
Director, Int & Security Affairs, Aust. Institute, Canberra
In Person:
Sen Barbara Pocock AM
Senator for SA, Greens, Aust. Parliament
Sunday 13th August 2 pm-4 pm
Prospect Road UCA
174 Prospect Road, Prospect
$15 Afternoon Tea provided